Jacob Sprous, Pharm.D., Finger Lakes Community Health With an eye toward providing more holistic, effective care for patients, Finger Lakes Community Health (FLCH) hired Jacob M. Sprouse, Pharm.D., as a clinical pharmacist. Sprouse joins FLCH from the Wainwright...
Geneva Providers
Meet Heather Burchell, Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner
Heather Burchell, Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner, Geneva and Sodus Community Health Heather is accepting new patients in-person or via Telehealth (virtual visits) or by phone.
They call him “Dr. Tony. ” Meet our Chief Dental Officer.
Tony Mendicino Jr., Chief Dental OfficerAwarded Dr. Gary Ogden Rural Health Practitioner of the Year and recently The Dr. Elmer Green Oral Public Health Award. Most people dread going to the dentist but Dr. Anthony Mendicino makes his patients feel so at ease, that...